Colonnade BridgePort and Fiera Real Estate demonstrate environmental leadership with the installation of more beehives atop properties in Ottawa.
OTTAWA, July 15, 2021 – Colonnade BridgePort and Fiera Real Estate are proud to announce the latest expansion of their urban beekeeping initiative in Ottawa. Just last year, the companies introduced a first installment of urban beehives, situated atop of three mixed-use properties located in the West-Ottawa neighbourhoods of Hintonburg and Westboro: Westboro Connection, located at 1960 Scott Street and 315-319 Macrae Ave, and Hintonburg Connection at 175 Carruthers Ave. Throughout the year, the hives were maintained and harvested by program partner, Alvéole – an urban beekeeping company from Montreal. Colonnade BridgePort also worked with Alvéole to offer property level programing such as online biodiversity workshops and a virtual honey-harvest.
With the first year of urban beekeeping generating a buzz with both residential and commercial tenants, Colonnade BridgePort decided to expand the program in early 2021. In May of this year, the company introduced a new beehive installed on a north Kanata property also owned by Fiera Real Estate, 450 March Road.
“With such a large commercial portfolio, the opportunity for impact with this program is substantial,” explains Elin Penttila, Sustainability Manager at Colonnade BridgePort. “Expanding the program to include more of our commercial properties aligns with our vision to create positive environmental change in the communities in which we live, work and operate.”

Fiera Real Estate shares similar values with its partner, Colonnade BridgePort, as it continues to integrate practical ESG activities into its investment management initiatives. “We work with our property managers to identify opportunities to further improve performance and set a consistent operational standard. The continued growth of the beekeeping program is a small example of how we are putting our ESG vision to work”, stated William Secnik, SVP & Fund Manager for the Fiera Real Estate Core Fund.

Urban Beekeeping is gaining popularity in progressive cities on a global scale as a response to the rapid decline of pollinators worldwide. Beekeeping creates a sustainable urban ecology, by facilitating pollination for plants in gardens and accelerating the growth of fruits and vegetables. With Colonnade BridgePort’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and accelerating Environmental Social Governance programs, the company felt it only natural to take on initiatives, like urban beekeeping, that support and promote biodiversity in the community.