Hybrid/Dual Fuel HVAC Systems: Saving Clients Money and Helping the Environment

When essential equipment at our managed properties reaches the end of its lifecycle, CBP Management leads the team that undertakes its replacement. We guide owners through the analysis, selection and installation of new systems that align with project goals and budget; as well as prioritize environmental sustainability, reduce carbon emissions, and lower operating costs.

For HVAC, many of our properties currently use systems that cool with electricity and heat with fossil fuels (both natural gas and oil). These were the systems of choice during building construction, but over time have proven to significantly contribute to air pollution and climate change.

As replacements arise, most owners are seeking solutions which will reduce the environmental impact of their asset and achieve sustainability goals, but which are also budget-friendly.

To ensure owners have all the information for their replacement project,
CBP Management performs an in-depth analysis of both like-for-like and enhanced options. In most cases, owners are selecting hybid/dual fuel systems – which heat and cool with electricity, and only as the demand requires, top up with natural gas.

While upfront costs of a hybrid/dual fuel HVAC system are higher, they are offset by long-term savings. As well, these modern systems have a considerably reduced environmental impact than their predecessors.

To date, CBP Management has led the replacement of one hybrid system at our 24,332 sq.ft. industrial property at 2751-2783 Thamesgate Drive in Mississauga. Several other replacements are planned across our portfolio in the Ottawa region, GTA and Southwestern Ontario, and Atlantic Canada in the coming months.

Check out the benefits of a hybrid/dual fuel RTUs.